5 Simply Successful Secrets for a Home Business
Yvonne of Grow Your Writing Business tagged me for this Simply Successful Secrets meme. Aaron Potts, of Today is the Day started the meme whereby those tagged will list secrets of their success. When the meme has run its course, Aaron will compile a master list of the participants from many areas of endeavor.
*Set goals - Have an overall objective, but set goals for each day. I try to accomplish this by having a “to do” list. I don’t always accomplish everything on my list, but it helps keep me focused.
*Be flexible - Your day and life doesn’t always go as planned. Be flexible so you can accomplish your goals by another route without falling to pieces.
*Have or develop an interest in people - They are important for your business to succeed and for your life to be worthwhile. Learn to be interested in what they’re doing and let them know they’re important.
*Perseverence and persistence - These are imperative if you’re to keep going in spite of disappointments or seeming setbacks.
*Have fun - Enjoy what you’re doing even though every moment many not be the most pleasurable. However, find the fun in your business and seek ways to let others see your enthusiasm. Someone who’s upbeat and having a good time at what they’re doing attracts customers, clients and friends.
Just an extra one…take care of yourself and keep healthy...so you can enjoy the rewards of your business and life.
Tags: Home+business, home+business+success+tips, meme, simply+successful+secretsShare This
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POSTED IN: Business Blogging, CheckList
8 opinions for 5 Simply Successful Secrets for a Home Business
Aaron M. Potts
Mar 28, 2007 at 4:12 pm
Mary Emma,
Having gone through so very many posts about the Simply Successful Secrets project, I am very happy to have come across several posts just today - including yours - that mention the need to have fun.
“Success” is defined by the person who is trying to be successful, but staying in resonance with your desires is always part of the process. Most people can do that by simply enjoying their efforts to be successful.
Thanks for sharing that great bit of wisdom, and for the other powerful habits on your list as well. I will look forward to adding your thoughts to the master list, and I sincerely hope that more people realize that they need to enjoy the whole journey! :)
Yvonne Russell
Mar 29, 2007 at 9:37 pm
Hi Mary Emma
This is a great list. I can identify with all of these. Having fun is definitely an important element.
Thanks for joining in the meme.
Mary Emma Allen
Mar 30, 2007 at 6:14 am
Thanks for visiting, Aaron and Yvonne. And thank you for inviting me to join the meme. Seems both of you agree on the fun element in a business…and in life. I also should have mentioned maintaining a sense of humor. That often can get us over the bouts of discouragement and challenges one faces. Not slap-happy humor, but looking at the brigher side when there doesn’t seem to be anything around to “tickle the funnybone.”
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Apr 9, 2007 at 1:59 pm
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Thinking Home Business
Apr 9, 2007 at 11:45 pm
Having Fun Scores High in this List of Secrets of Home Business Success…
My colleague on the b5media business channel, Mary Emma Allen, has a list of 5 Simply Successful Secrets for a ……
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[...] seems when I posted the 5 Simply Successful Secrets for a Home Business item and listed having fun as the fifth one, many people took notice. I’ve had a number of [...]
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May 18, 2007 at 6:37 pm
[...] Yvonne Russell of Grow Your Writing Business tagged me and I participated with the post, 5 Simply Successful Secrets for a Home Business. [...]
kichler lighting
May 25, 2007 at 5:31 am
Interesting points, i liked mostly “Have fun” wise tip really. If you don’t like what you do you will never have fun, you will never be satisfied and you will never have good results. So although i am familiar whit these points i will follow what is said and have fun.
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