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June 27th, 2007

Promote Your Home Business Every Single Day!

With all that’s needed to keep one’s business going (producing products, maintaining inventory, bookkeeping, providing services, maintaining your production or office space) how do we find time for promotion?  Yet promotion is vital if we’re to have customers/clients!

“Do something to market yourself every single day,” recommends Jennifer Mattern, of JH Mattern Communications, in an interview , “Punk Rock Public Relations,” at Freelance Switch“I don’t care how big or how small it is.”

Then she gives some suggestions, which include:  post to your blog, get yourself interviewed, send out a press release, call a potential client, make a forum post, exchange links with other sites in your industry…to name a few. We’ve discussed some of these ideas already at Home Biz Notes, so it’s refreshing to see them reinforced by someone with Jennifer’s experience. 

So, ask yourself, “Am I doing something everyday to promote/market my business?”

If you do something, even something small, each day, you’ll soon find yourself doing more and more, fitting it in between the production aspect of your business.  You’ll begin to find your personal name and business name more visible on the web and in your neighborhood.

How about sharing with us some of the promotional techniques you’re applying?

Tags:blogging business+bloging Freelance+Switch home+biz Home+biz+notes Home+business home+business+promotion Jennifer+Mattern Punk+Rock+Public+Relations

By Mary Emma -- 2 comments