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July 16th, 2007

Taking Care of Your Home Business Customers

In a previous post, Home Business Promotion Involves “Repeats,” I mentioned the importance of developing promotional practices to encourage your customers to return.  Yvonne Russell, of Grow Your Own Business, pointed out in her comment, “There is quite a bit of research on the fact that it costs a lot more in dollars and time to get a new client, as compared with doing ongoing business with existing customers/clients.”

So often business owners seem to think once they have a customer, that person automatically will return…unless you sell one-of-a-kind items that don’t lend themselves to repeats.  However, you will want a pleased customer who will recommend you to others.

I asked a friend today, who has a home based beauty and skin care business, ” Have you gotten in touch with Jenny?”  (This customer had purchased a large amount of products two months ago.)  

No, she hadn’t, except to deliver products after the order arrived.  So I suggested she call Jenny to see if she had any questions and to tell her about a new product.  Jenny was a good customer who was enthusiastic about the products.  So you want to make sure customers like her (and anyone who purchases from you)  have their questions answered, their needs met.  You don’t simply take their money and hope they’ll be a repeat customer.

Once you have a satisfied customer, or one in the making, you need to spend some time, yes, but  not nearly so much as you will finding and developing new customers/clients.  So it behooves you to pay attention to your existing customers for repeat business.

For instance, at the dealership where my family buys cars, the salesman we work with has gotten to know us, sends cards and notes, updates, inquires how our car is working out, and simply keeps in touch.  He also knows our needs and keeps on the lookout for vehicles that will meet them.  To my husband and me, our daughter and son-in-law, he has sold many vehicles.  We don’t even consider going elsewhere when we need one.  (And the dealership is excellent when we need service on our vehicles.) 

Although this isn’t a home business, the principles this salesman practices would work well for home business owners, too…..taking care of existing customers.  This also generates new customers, because we recommend him to friends who need vehicles.

Do you have any examples you can share about taking care of customers which leads to repeat business and recommendations to their friends?

Tags:customer+relations customers Grow+Your+Own+Business home+biz Home+biz+notes Home+business repeat+customers Yvonne+Russell

By Mary Emma -- 4 comments

June 27th, 2007

Promote Your Home Business Every Single Day!

With all that’s needed to keep one’s business going (producing products, maintaining inventory, bookkeeping, providing services, maintaining your production or office space) how do we find time for promotion?  Yet promotion is vital if we’re to have customers/clients!

“Do something to market yourself every single day,” recommends Jennifer Mattern, of JH Mattern Communications, in an interview , “Punk Rock Public Relations,” at Freelance Switch“I don’t care how big or how small it is.”

Then she gives some suggestions, which include:  post to your blog, get yourself interviewed, send out a press release, call a potential client, make a forum post, exchange links with other sites in your industry…to name a few. We’ve discussed some of these ideas already at Home Biz Notes, so it’s refreshing to see them reinforced by someone with Jennifer’s experience. 

So, ask yourself, “Am I doing something everyday to promote/market my business?”

If you do something, even something small, each day, you’ll soon find yourself doing more and more, fitting it in between the production aspect of your business.  You’ll begin to find your personal name and business name more visible on the web and in your neighborhood.

How about sharing with us some of the promotional techniques you’re applying?

Tags:blogging business+bloging Freelance+Switch home+biz Home+biz+notes Home+business home+business+promotion Jennifer+Mattern Punk+Rock+Public+Relations

By Mary Emma -- 2 comments

June 9th, 2007

Meet More People - A Key for Promoting Your Home Business

Meeting more people enables you to get the word out there about your home business, whether it’s strictly an online business, a physical business, or a combination of the two.  The more people who know about your business, the more potential customers/clients you’ll have.  Also, there will be more who spread the word even if they don’t purchase immediately, or at all.

Craftspeople and home business owners often tend to be rather solitary people.  Those who operate online businesses meet people in cyberspace but often don’t have the opportunity to get acquainted face-to-face.  Meeting people, either online or off, enriches our lives and enables us to share information about our business.

Getting the word out and letting people know what you offer becomes a priority.  So, meeting more people and developing name recognition becomes important.

*Meet people by joining online groups with similar interests.  Don’t blatantly promote your business.  Simply begin making friends.

*Develop a blog that offers information about your business and hopefully encourage comments and e-mails.  These often evolve into a way to people who help and encourage.

*Join an organization in your physical community to make the acquaintance of new people.

*Volunteer for a local cause that will help others and enable you to make friends.

*Learn to strike up conversations with people wherever you are.

*Perform acts of kindness…not necessarily for promotion but to help others and make friends.  “What goes around, comes around,” as the old saying goes.

As you begin to meet people and make friends, you’ll find you truly enjoy it.  Then your business will begin to reflect the enjoyment!

Tags:blogging customers home+biz Home+biz+notes Home+business

By Mary Emma -- 4 comments

June 3rd, 2007

Networking for Your Home Business - Online

More and more networking for home businesses and other business occurs online nowadays.  This seems to be the growing trend even if your business isn’t an online one.  Business owners begin to find the Internet and e-mail a great way to communicate with customers and to promote their products and services. 

As Mark Allen said in the interview about his online home business, “The great thing about an online business is that the world is your market.”  Likewise, the great aspect about online networking and promotion is that the world is your audience.  You can meet and work with people around the globe.

What are some ways to network online?

*Join an online group that specializes in like interests or businesses.  Here you often can find advice, support, and encouragement.

*Visit other web sites and blogs and leave comments, thus introducing yourself and becoming a familiar name.

*Write articles for web sites and become a guest on blogs that have a similar interest.  (You’ll often learn about these opportunities through discussions on online groups.)

*If it seems practical, become associated with an online marketing site like Mark has with CafePress.

*Introduce yourself to others who write columns or have blogs.  I receive e-mails from people who either want suggestions or have a book or product they want me to review.  When you do this, be sincere and friendly, not pushy and commercial. 

Are there ways of networking online that have worked very successfully for you?

Tags:business+networking home+biz Home+biz+notes Home+business online+business online+promotion

By Mary Emma -- 0 comments

April 30th, 2007

Developing a Home Business as an E-marketing Specialist

“I think running a home business is going to be the wave of the future now, if it isn’t already,” says Dorothy Thompson, an author/publisher who has become an e-marketing specialist, operating her business from her home.

“People are realizing that it takes more than one or two pay checks (if they’re married) to bring in a decent income anymore,” she explained.  “And I believe women are making up a huge part of that home business force.” 

Over the next couple of days, I’ll be interviewing Dorothy about her e-marketing business, Pump Up Your Online Book Promotion, and learn how her career has evolved from author to publisher to columnist to marketing specialist.  I’ve discovered Dorothy has tips many home businesses can utilize in this Internet age.

Tags:Dorothy+Thompson e marketing home+biz Home+biz+notes Home+business marketing Pump+Up+Your+Online+Book+Promotion

By Mary Emma -- 0 comments

March 26th, 2007

Home Business Participation in Local & Regional Events

In order to become known around your area, participate in local and regional events, such as historical days, holiday celebrations, chamber of commerce events, tours, open houses, professional days at high schools,  and similar occasions.  You may not want to be involved in everything (you need time to run your business, too).  However, some participation can help promote your home business and get your name out there…as a business person and contributing member of the community.

Sometimes you simply pay for your name to appear on an ad supporting an event or cause.  Other times you take part in person.

*Open house - a number of businesses promote an event by running a special sale or even a sort of scavenger hunt for customers who visit on a particular day or weekend.

*School profession/occupation day - set up a display concerning your business at the school with other business people.  You explain what it’s like to operate your business.

*Donate an item for a fund raising auction or penny sale.

*Set up a booth for a historical day in town.

*Help organize one or more of the community events.

These are simply a few of the opportunities that might arise for you to become better known around your home region and to spread word about your business.

What have you participated in that you’ve found effective?

Tags:Home+business home+business+promotion

By Mary Emma -- 0 comments