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Getting a Fast Start to a Freelance Writing Home Business

by Mary Emma Allen on March 19th, 2007

Freelance writers, working from home, often bemoan the fact that it takes a long time to get noticed in the writing world and writing for pay.  This often was true in the traditional writing world.  However, the Internet has helped change all that.  With the right focus, techniques, networking, and perseverence, you often can advance faster now than in the writing world when I began my writing career.

Liz Lewis, my new co-author on b5media’s Alzheimer’s Notes, was determined to get a fast start with her writing career and is an example for writers everywhere.   Liz is a New Zealander and full time RN.  However, a little over a year ago she was decided to become a professional writer as well. 

In an interview today at Grow Your Writing Business, Liz gives tips on getting a fast start in the writing business and becoming a “freelance writing blogstar,” as Yvonne Russell calls her.  Some of these can be applied in other home businesses.

The first one Liz mentions is “find and leverage your point of difference.”  This happened at Alzheimer’s Notes.  Liz’s experience as an RN working with older patients is different from mine  as a caregiver to my mom and aunt.  This gives a nice balance in the information and experience we can provide for our readers.  Also, we often can give an international perspective since we live on different sides of the globe. 

Check out the interview on Grow Your Writing and see if you can find more tips on growing your home business FAST, whether it’s as a freelance writer or in some other area.

POSTED IN: Advantages, Business Blogging

2 opinions for Getting a Fast Start to a Freelance Writing Home Business

  • Yvonne Russell
    Mar 19, 2007 at 8:23 am

    Hi Mary Emma

    It’s a great success story isn’t it? It certainly an inspiration to aspiring writers who want to go for it!

    I’m so glad you popped over to comment. Don’t miss tomorrow’s installment… when Liz shares some more of here “freealnce writing blogstar” secrets. :)

    There will also be another feature in a few weeks.

    Go Liz, and congratualtions on your success. It is well deserved.

    All the best Mary Emma, and thanks for mentioning the interview.

    Yvonne Russell
    Grow Your Writing Business

  • Alzheimer’s Notes » Alzheimer’s Notes Co-Author Interviewed
    Mar 19, 2007 at 9:51 am

    […] also received mention at b5media’s Home Biz Notes where her tips may help aspiring freelancers who want to make a career of writing for print and […]

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