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Beware Work From Home Scams

by Yvonne Russell on February 8th, 2008


Sue Shellenbarger of The Wall Street Journal Online answers a reader question about telecommuting -

Question: I saw your story on how more employers are hiring people to telecommute right from their first day of work. Can I find these high-quality salaried work-at-home jobs through Internet job boards? — P.P., Queens, N.Y..

Much of Shellenbarger’s advice also applies to work from home opportunities. The main points include

  • Read and screen postings carefully. Not all will be legitimate.
  • Don’t pay anyone any money for a work from home opportunity. They should be paying you.
  • Don’t disclose Social Security or financial details until you’ve had your attorney sight the contract
  • Look up the company on the net and include “fraud” or “scam” in the search

b5 media’s Craigslist Curmudgeon is a great source for learning to read job ads with a critical eye, particularly at Craigslist. Craigslist also has a feature where readers can flag an ad they feel is misleading or fraudulent.

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