Online Meetings Made Easy with
I spent some time online with my webmaster the other day, using new technology called With this service, we were able to talk on the phone and she showed me some possible ways to structure a new website I’m making. For a home business owner, this could be a useful tool. If you talk to clients on the phone, or if you want to hold a teleconference, this would be a great way to do it.
Here are the details:
- You invite people to join your meeting, by phone or VoIP (voice over internet protocol, like Vonage, lingo, or net2phone). I think Skype might also work for this. The participants don’t have to register or have a webcam (video connected to their computers).
- Then you set up whatever you want to show people on your computer - Internet screens, PowerPoints, documents, etc.
- When people call the number you provide, they enter a code to get into the meeting.
- Everyone can see your screen, or you can turn a screen over to someone else, so they can take over the presentation.
- Participants can chat with each other or with everyone, in addition to the phone and video part of the meeting.
- You can record the meeting and play it back later.
The meeting worked well with two people, although I wasn’t able to call in on my cell phone (I had to use an old-fashioned land line). That might be a problem if you don’t have a land line or VoIP. Otherwise, everything worked well.
The service is $49 a month or a reduced price for a year. You can try a limited version free for 30 days. If your home business involves frequent meetings and presentations, this would be a great service. Your participants don’t have to be Internet experts, but they do need to have some familiarity with the Internet.
If you try this service, let me know. I’m going to be using it for my business, now that I know how to use it.
Image source: PicApp
Tags: conference calls,, online meetingsShare This
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POSTED IN: Communication, Technology
1 opinion for Online Meetings Made Easy with
Jan 11, 2009 at 11:56 am
The company where I have my day job has had very positive results with gotoMeeting.
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