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Home Biz Notes

June 20th, 2008

Business Channel Blogs Participating in Great Blog Off

Here’s the latest list of blogs participating in the Great Blog Off at the Business Channel:
Business and Blogging
Accounting Solver
Doing Biz Abroad
Home Biz Notes (You are here!)
One Vote Matters
Interview Chatter
Biz Chicks Rule
Buzz Networker
Digital Money World
Franchise Pick
Yielding Wealth
Small Business Boomers
My Organized Biz
Viva El Negocio
Check out these Business Channel blogs.  See how they’re doing, what they’re writing […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 4 comments

June 20th, 2008

Fun Friday: Home Businesses & Charity

FUN FRIDAY at the Business Channel
Many businesses become involved in charitable causes, either by donating outright or participating in events. Often community businesses band together to hold an event that’s fun and raises money. Sometimes a business donates an item or items. Or you might provide your time.
* I‘ve donated my […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 2 comments

June 19th, 2008

The Great 24 Hour Fundraising Blog Off Helps Charity

For 24 hours on June 20th many b5 bloggers will blog on the hour every hour to raise money for charity.
Home Biz Notes will participate in the blog off as we can but may not have posts for you every hour. However, stop by and see what we do have in store.
Blog on! […]

By Yvonne Russell -- 0 comments



Now that gas prices are lower, how has this affected your home business?

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