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Home Biz Notes

Networking for Your Home Business - in Person

by Mary Emma Allen on June 1st, 2007

Networking, or touching bases with other people, helps promote your home business.  You can do this online, either through e-mail or visiting other blogs and leaving comments.  Or you may have opportunities to meet other people in person.  Also, postal mail still is a useful way.

Today I’ll discuss meeting others the traditional way…in person.

*Keep attuned during conversations with others.  Do they have information that will help you?  Would they be interested in something you’re doing?  Would they pass the word along about your business in a casual way.

*See about joining your chamber of commerce organization, if your there is one.  They usually have monthly get-togethers at different businesses, organize or participate in fund raising events, invite guest speakers to their meetings.

*Become involved in community activities, if you have time.  Be selective and don’t become so busy you don’t have time for your business.  Also, choose activities related to your business.

*Offer to be a guest speaker for other organizations.

*As you become active in your local area, you may have opportunities to network further afield.

*Read Bob Berg’s book, Endless Referrals.  I’ve also listened to his tape series on this topic.  He has some great ideas on networking.

I’d enjoy having you share with us how you network and the resources you’ve found useful.

Tags: Bob+Berg, , chamber+of+commerce, , , ,

POSTED IN: Business Blogging

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