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Home Biz Notes

October 25th, 2007

Writing Captivating Headlines for Home Business Posts & Releases

Headlines and titles are extremely important.  They catch the readers’ eyes or cause them to pass over.  They come into focus when search engines are roving  the Internet.
So…how do you write them?  Are there certain words that work better than others?  Are there words that make them seem contrived so that readers and search engines ignore them?
Brian […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 0 comments

October 24th, 2007

Check Out Press Releases for Increasing Your Home Business Exposure

        Some may consider press or news releases a relic of the past.  But, according to Dorothy Thompson, of Pump Up Your Book Promotion PR (an online promotion service), You Can Double Your Profits With Free Press Releases.  She has some suggestions for formatting your press releases so they’re picked up by major search engines.  Dorothy also gives ideas […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 1 comment

August 16th, 2007

Writing Press Releases for Home Business Promotion

                                  One of the traditional methods of obtaining publicity for a business has been press releases, written by the business owner, or someone hired for them. (I once did this, on a freelance basis, for a real estate office, as well as write their ads.)  You can send these to print publications and online e-zines and web […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 3 comments

June 28th, 2007

7 Tips for Promoting Your Home Business

In my previous post, Promote Your Home Business Every Single Day, we mentioned a few strategies for doing something each day to market or promote your business, ways to get your name  (business and/or personal) out there where you’ll gain recognition or become a brand (that popular buzz word nowadays).
What are you doing?  What can […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 0 comments

April 5th, 2007

More Information on Press Releases for Home Businesses

I mentioned in my previous post about press releases that you could send them via e-mail to publications and online news sources.  This has become the main way people accept press releases and stories nowadays.  However, you need to know how to keep them from being considered spam.
Expansion+ has some great advice for press releases in […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 0 comments

April 2nd, 2007

Writing Press Releases for Your Home Business

One form of free publicity consists of press releases…sent to print publications, online media, news groups, and organizations.  You can write these yourself and send them out…generally by e-mail these days. 
When I worked as a reporter for a newspaper, we used press releases as a source of news.  If they were written well, the editor […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 1 comment