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January 19th, 2008

You May Be The Expert!


  Are You The Expert?

In a previous post, Do You Enlist the Assistance of Experts in Your Home Business?, I talked about inviting outside experts in your business area to provide programs, workshops, entertainment, etc. at your business. In other words, you’re working together for your mutual benefit.

However….you may be the expert…and can offer your expertise to aid other businesses while getting your name (and your business name) out there.

For instance, I’ve been involved in the blogging world for more than three years…here at b5media (Home Biz Notes, Quilting and Patchwork, Alzheimer’s Notes) and with my author and family history blogs elsewhere. I approached the librarian at our local library and asked if she’d like me to give a presentation on blogging.

She was delighted and we’re in the midst of organizing this. The library isn’t specifically a business, but my presentation will be to our mutual benefit because I can bring my books for sale, too. (I write about topics related to my blogs at b5…The Magic of Patchwork, When We Become the Parent to Our Parents, as well as children’s books.)

So…..where does your expertise lie?

  • Can you partner with another business, online or off?
  • Can you give a workshop or talk for a group/organization?
  • Perhaps you can give a demonstration of a craft for another business?
  • Join in an event sponsored by a number of businesses?

What have you done with your expertise? Let’s chat!

(c)2008 Mary Emma Allen

Tags:home+based+business Home+business home+business+planning home+business+promotion home+business+strategies

By Mary Emma Allen -- 1 comment

January 18th, 2008

Do You Enlist The Assistance Of Experts In Your Home Business?


A strategy many businesses use involves enlisting the assistance of an expert or well-known figure for your mutual benefit. These experts in your field might make an appearance, give a talk, teach a workshop, do a book signing that, if publicized adequately, will draw customers to your place of business and gain attention for the presenter.

  For instance, Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores now has the assistance of well-known quilter M’Liss Rae Hawley. They are carrying a M’Liss’s exclusive line of fabric designs consisting of floral and travel themes. She also will offer classes appealing to quilters of any level…beginners to experts.

“But I’m not a large store like that. I can’t attract well-known personailties. I don’t have the budget to advertise nor to compensate her, “ you say.

However, take note of this strategy and see if you can find someone who is known in your local community. Depending on the nature of your store, the person will vary.

*Find a local person who who might be connected, either in skill or knowledge, about something you sell. Your mutual association can benefit both of you.

*Feature books written by experts in your field. If there’s a local author, he/she likely will make an appearance at your store or write guest posts on your blog.

*Is there someone who will give demonstrations, teach workshops, plan joint promotions?  These will bring people to your business and give this person publicity.  You may have to arrange for attendees to pay for the workshops, but this is a common practice.

*Find another business you can partner with in promotions.

Do you have promotions where you enlist the assistance of experts for your mutual benefit? Share with us.

(c)2008 Mary Emma Allen

Tags:home+based+business Home+business home+business+promotion home+business+success MLiss Rae Hawley

By Mary Emma Allen -- 1 comment

January 11th, 2008

Home Businesses Gear Up For Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day already!

Yes, businesses must be thinking about this occasion.  Actually we must do more than think….we must have the products and promotions in place.

Don’t wait till the week before to start letting people know you’re ready for them to do their Valentine’s Day shopping with you.

What have you been doing for Valentine’s Day with your business?

*Do you make products/gifts that relate to this holiday?

*Do you help businesses promote this holiday?  Then you should have had your act together with their promotion plans before this.

*Do you perform services and make deliveries connected with this day?

Why not share how you’re getting ready to make this a big day with your business?

(c)2008 Mary Emma Allen

Tags:home+based+business Home+business home+business+planning home+business+promotion Valentines+Day

By Mary Emma Allen -- 0 comments

December 22nd, 2007

Tweak Your Topic for Carnivals to Promote Your Home Business..And Have Fun

Learn to tweak your topic seems to be Darlene McDaniel’s motto as she enters carnivals that seem, at first, to have no relation to her Interview Chatter blog.

I’ve mentioned previously, in Participating in Showcases & Carnivals for Home Business Promotion, that carnivals can aid you in developing a blogging presence and promoting your business while you have fun. However, sometimes it’s not easy to find many carnivals that relate to your topic.

Darlene has developed a knack for thinking “outside the box” to find how her blog, Interview Chatter, can relate to other blogs.  When I let her know about the All About Alzheimer’s Carnival, at Alzheimer’s Notes, where I co-blog with Liz Lewis, Darlene put on her “thinking cap” and came up with an informative post, Preparing for Careers in Human Services.

Darlene also hosted her own carnival, The December Career & Job Advice Blog Carnival.  I pondered a bit and created a post for it, 5 Tips For Success In Your Home Business, with a Home Biz Notes slant.

Another Carnival at Alzheimer’s Notes 

Incidentally, Liz Lewis is scheduling another All About Alzheimer’s Carnival on Jan. 19, 2008.  Can you think “outside the box” and submit a post?  Or maybe you have personal experience with a family member or friend who has Alzheimer’s and would like to write about this.  Information link here at the end of the carnival post.)

More Carnival information:

Home Biz Owners…Join the Carnival 

Entering Your Home Business Post In A Showcase

(c)2007 Mary Emma Allen

Tags:Alzheimers+Notes blog carnival blogging business+relocation Darlene McDaniel hairdresser Home+business home+business+promotion Interview Chatter

By Mary Emma Allen -- 2 comments

December 14th, 2007

Celebrate Special Occasions With Contests In Your Home Business

Business anniversaries, seasonal events, holidays, grand openings and other special occasions can result in contests, drawings, and enjoyment for your customers. You’ll often notice a sign or advertisement for a first (second, fifth, tenth, etc.) anniversary celebration inviting you to stop by.

Online celebrations may take the form of contests and drawings and linking to one another’s sites and blogs.

These are occasions when we’re pleased we’ve made it this far in our business and want to celebrate with others. We can share by offering special sales, as well as the contests of various types.

Darlene McDaniel, at Interview Chatter, celebrates the first anniversary of her blog this weekend with an Interview Chatter Blogoversary, and invites you to stop by.

SHARE WITH US some ways you’ve celebrated an anniversary or special event at your business!

Tags:anniversary business+promotion Home+business home+business+celebrations home+business+promotion Interview+Chatter

By Mary Emma Allen -- 3 comments

December 1st, 2007

5 Tips on Making a Successful Business Presentation - A Home Biz Notes Guest Post

We have a guest post today by Laura Spencer of Work From Home Momma.

She has some tips in case you’re invited to give a presentation or talk about your home business. This can be, once you get over any initial hesitancy, a really enjoyable way to spread the word about what you’re doing.

5 Tips on Making A Successful Business Presentation

Guest Post By Laura Spencer

As a home business owner you may occasionally have the opportunity to make
a presentation about your business to clients, perspective clients, or
local groups. If you are asked to speak, be sure to take advantage of the opportunity. It is a great way to raise awareness about your business and bring in additional customers.

Here are five tips for making successful business presentation:

1. Do your homework
At the minimum, prepare an outline of what you will say - but don’t stop there. Practice what you will say. Anticipate questions and how you will answer them.

2. Dress appropriately
If the dress where you will be speaking is business attire as the speaker you should also dress in business attire.
Likewise, if the most people in the group dress casually, it is okay to wear business casual. If you’re not sure of the dress code, ask.

3. Don’t be afraid of props
There are many aids and tools (like PowerPoint) that can be used to enhance your presentation. Be sure to ask what type of equipment is available. Depending on the size and nature of the group you may also wish to have handouts available, such as pads and pencils, with your business name on them.

4. Stand up straight. If you can, make eye contact with several audience members during your speech. (If this will make you too nervous, try making the eye contact immediately before and after you talk.)

5. Stay calm
Many people become nervous when asked to speak in front of a group, but there is really no need for fear. Your audience is likely
interested in what you have to say or you wouldn’t have been invited to speak. If it will help, imagine that you are watching your own presentation and that it is going very well.

Once you have several presentations under your belt, you may find that you enjoy the networking and business advantages that come from public speaking. You may wish to seek out other opportunities to make presentations.

Here are some ideas

  • Local Chamber of Commerce
  • Group or Organization for your Specialty (A craft group for crafters, a
  • writing group for writers)
  • Student Groups
  • Groups of individuals who wish to go into business

Public business presentations can be an essential part of your home business’s public relations. By using the tips in this post even a novice speaker can prepare themselves for a successful presentation.

Laura Spencer is a freelance writer and blogger. You can read more of Laura’s writing at Work From Home Momma or WritingThoughts.)

Related Home Biz Notes Posts:
Spin-offs for Home Businesses - Giving Talks

Various Types of Promotion for Your Home Business

5 Group Promotion Tips for Your Home Business

Tags:home+based+business Home+business home+business+promotion Laura+Spencer wahm Work+From+Home+Momma Writing+Thoughts+Blog

By Mary Emma Allen -- 6 comments

November 15th, 2007

If You Handle “Made in China” Items in Your Home Business….

In our “Apprentice” type friendly competition on the b5 Business Channel, we’re following Kay as she sets up her business selling aprons and chefs hats for children. Last week, we posted, Starting a Business on a Limited Budget at Startup Spark, information on how to use $500 for her promotion. (This also gave some great marketing tips for any start up business.)

This week:

Kay just found out that the novelty buttons that she sews onto her children’s aprons and chef’s hats are manufactured by the same company in China that has been associated with selling toys coated with lead paint. She has received confirmation from the distributor that the buttons have been re-tested and do not contain any lead. The buttons are, however, clearly marked “Made in China.” Kay DOES NOT have the budget to remove the buttons and replace them with new buttons. With just six weeks to go before Christmas, she is worried about the potential hit to her sales if parents worry that there is lead on her buttons.

Half of her friends have encouraged her to go public about buttons and re-assure her potential customers that there the buttons are okay. The other half tell her not to mention the buttons at all because it will cause more problems for her than it would help.

What do you say? In other words, how proactive should you be when things go wrong in your business?

The solution: Leading a campaign for lead free toys and products, as well as promoting hers as lead free could gain her positive PR.

Here’s how:

Get the Facts on Paper

*Do some research. Each state and country has its own laws about such issues, so whether Kay has a brick and mortar store will affect how she deals with this. Also, since the distributor is from another country, you have to consider the laws of that country. Check all of this with a legal expert first before proceeding.

*Get the proper paperwork from legal experts, the distributors, and relevant government departments (like http://www.cpsc.gov/) that the products have been tested as safe and lead-free. Independent laboratories can also conduct research, such as Consumer Reports (http://blogs.consumerreports.org/safety/lead/)

If she has all of the necessary paperwork, she can proceed.

Update the Product

*She should add an attractive, readily seen tag that proudly proclaims “Tested Child Safe For Your Peace of Mind.” This tag doesn’t have to specifically be in the buttons. The tag may be written in two formats: one for authorities (with all the legalese) - and one for the customers, if they wish to seek more information. This way, she can cover both the concerned customers and the legal aspects.

*Another option: add a leaflet inside the packaging explaining her policy for child safe toys, and that she has confirmed the safety of these buttons with the distributor. (including excerpts from the legal documents and paperwork from the government agencies and the distributor).

Get the Word Out

*Hold a press conference, with the manufacturer (or the US rep) and announce that the product is safe.

*Send Out a Press Release announcing the products’ safety as well. Begin all marketing messages with a “Worried about lead paint?” type of question, then show that she is lead free and happy to share the certification.

*Find reporters doing stories on the recall issue - and show how a proactive business owner checks and double checks. Do interviews, PSAs, about the importance of lead check-ups for healthy children. Including tips for parents on how to look for lead-free certification.

*Host a Get the Lead Out of Toys Day, which includes tips from her and other experts; as well as a special Get the Lead Out of Toys Sale. She could not only feature her products, but other items the manufacturer has developed as well. She can even go hand in hand with other lead-free toy manufacturers in promoting each other’s products on this promo day. (See Kay’s Press Release on this.)

*As this is a topical issue especially with Christmas toy shopping, there may even be scope for a newspaper article and/or You Tube Video highlighting her approach and that she prides herself on stocking only child safe items, taking the peace of mind and safety angle for parents. She can do this by using some lead test kits and take a video of her testing her products and coming up with “lead-free” results. This may even attract new customers.

Since it is a kid’s chef products business, she could use the word “recipe” or similar to get her message across e.g. “Kay’s Recipe For Child Safe Toys” .What would you do if you were faced with this problem? Do you have any suggestions? Do you happen to be stocking “Made in China” items that you’re in a quandry about?

Related post: Great Advice for Home Business Startups

Tags:b5media+Business+Channel home+based+business Home+business home+business+competion home+business+PR home+business+promotion

By Mary Emma Allen -- 16 comments

November 15th, 2007

“Get the Lead Out of Toys Day” (Sample press release accompanying “Apprentice” competition)

Black Friday is “Get the Lead Out of Toys Day”

Kids Product Expert Provides Tips to Find Safe Toys for the Holidays

DATE-City, State- With the arrival of the holidays, children’s toys and products are flying off the shelves of retail stores.  However, new dangers have been brought to the consumer’s attention about the high levels of lead found in some children’s products. 

“It’s a scary time for parents, who are looking to provide fun, but safe toys and other products for their kids,” says Kay Smith, creator of Kay’s Kid Cooking Creations (www.kayskidcookingcreations.com). “That’s why I felt it was important to make Black Friday – the busiest shopping day of the year – Get the Lead Out Day – to create awareness of kid-friendly products that are lead-free.”

Smith has designed a variety of pint-sized aprons and chef hats, with certified lead-free buttons and adornments. She offers the following tips to keep kids safe and get the lead out this holiday season.

1.)       Check the toy box. Make sure already owned toys and products have not been recalled due to containing lead. Visit http://www.cpsc.gov/ to get the full list of recalled items. “Conduct regular sort-and-toss session, discarding toys with chipped paint, deteriorated plastic or other broken or damaged parts,” she says.

2.)       Avoid toys made in China, unless the company can prove they do lead testing independently from their Chinese contractors.

3.)       Buy age appropriately. Kids two year old and under are the most likely age group to put things in their mouths, which could lead to lead poisoning. “It’s important to be aware of not only your child’s age, but how they will interact with the toy or product,” she says.

4.)       Clean up. Make sure that floors and play areas are clean.  Wash toys frequently to make sure no lead debris gets on them.  Wash children’s hands after playing on the floor and with toys. 

5.)       Get tested. Use lead kit test to test products you currently have for lead.

With the recent scares, it’s important to be extra diligent this year when looking for holiday items for your kids,” says Smith. “Taking some time to prepare before you head out with your shopping list can keep your child safe for this and many holiday seasons to come.”

For more information on Get the Lead Out Day, including addition tips and resources, visit www.kayskidcookingcreations.com.

About Kay’s Kid Cooking Creations (www.kayskidcookingcreations.com)

Founded in 2007 by Kay Smith, Kay’s Kid Cooking Creations provides children with the accessories to use their imagination to create the cooking experience of their dreams. The product line currently includes custom aprons and chef’s hats.  For more information, go to www.kayskidcookingcreations.com.


(This press release is part of the solution post for Kay’s problem..week 2… in the Business Channel “Apprentice” type competiton.)

Tags:home+based+business Home+business home+business+PR home+business+promotion

By Mary Emma Allen -- 6 comments

November 14th, 2007

Home Biz Owners - Join the Carnival!

Promoting your business by participating in carnivals…that is, submitting blog posts to round-ups on related topics at other blogs…can prove helpful in getting the word our about your venture and giving you more name recognition.   Business bloggers find this enjoyable as well as beneficial.  

Many of the b5media blogs offer carnivals or opportunities to participate throughout the month.  Some of these invitations are for bloggers of that network only, while others provide opportunities for our readers to submit entries on theme or carnival days.  If you’re a blogger involved in arts and crafts, you’re invited to participate in the Arts and Design November Showcase. (You don’t have to be a b5 blogger for this one.)

Check out the rules at Tangled Thread’s Call for Entry - November’s Blog Carnival.

Tags: Cafe+Press home+based+business Home+business home+business+promotion Tangled+Thread

By Mary Emma Allen -- 2 comments

November 13th, 2007

5 Great Home Business Tips at Brand Curve

I’m continually looking for business tips and information that will aid you (Home Biz Notes readers) in your ventures. A search through the other b5media Business blogs often turns up great nuggets.

 Today I discovered some in a post, 5 Small Business Marketing Tips, at Brand Curve, written by Susan Gunelieus.  These tips for small businesses with small marketing or promotional budgets are unique, but common sense and should prove helpful.

Perhaps every one won’t apply to you, but see how creative you can be with using this information as a springboard for your particular home business. 

Do you have some creative marketing/promotional tips you’d like to share?  If so, leave a comment or e-mail me ().

Tags:Brand+Curve business+promotion home+based+business Home+business home+business+promotion

By Mary Emma Allen -- 0 comments


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