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Home Biz Notes

October 25th, 2007

Writing Captivating Headlines for Home Business Posts & Releases

Headlines and titles are extremely important.  They catch the readers’ eyes or cause them to pass over.  They come into focus when search engines are roving  the Internet.
So…how do you write them?  Are there certain words that work better than others?  Are there words that make them seem contrived so that readers and search engines ignore them?
Brian […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 0 comments

August 31st, 2007

Building vs Buying Home Business Traffic

Home business owners, whether online or offline, need customers/clients.  How does one get them?  In general the methods vary depending on which type of business you’re operating.  However, with more businesses having some type of online presence, online methods are of great interest.
Online business owners often get caught up with buying lists of guaranteed visitors […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 0 comments

August 16th, 2007

Writing Press Releases for Home Business Promotion

                                  One of the traditional methods of obtaining publicity for a business has been press releases, written by the business owner, or someone hired for them. (I once did this, on a freelance basis, for a real estate office, as well as write their ads.)  You can send these to print publications and online e-zines and web […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 3 comments

June 18th, 2007

5 Group Promotion Tips for Your Home Business

Usually you benefit when you join others in advertising and promoting your home business.  This may be a group of home businesses.  Or it could be a number of businesses in your community that have a similar focus or are located in a particular area of town.
*You may do a joint newspaper ad, joint radio or […]

By Mary Emma Allen -- 0 comments