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Home Biz Notes

Working In Less Than Ideal Home Business Conditions

by Mary Emma Allen on November 8th, 2006

Now that I’ve given you five tips for productivity in your home business, I’ll let you know that my day often gets off track.  But I’ve had to learn to be productive in spite of interruptions.  I mentioned that each person has to tweek things to fit their needs.  We try to meet the ideal, but life often gets in the way.

One of my home businesses is my writing…a weekly column for two newspapers, four blogs, two books-in-progress.  I also do substitute teaching, travel with my husband for another business, and live in a multi-generational household with hubby, daughter, son-in-law, two grandchildren, and assorted pets. 

Over the course of 40 years, I’ve learned to do a juggling act. We’ve lived in different places, been in the midst of moves, raised a child, help with two grandchildren, encounter health situations, cared for ailing parents, one with Alzheimer’s, and worked outside the home, too.  In the midst of this, I continued writing and conducting other home businesses simultaneously.

I do find myself most productive when I follow my 5 tips.  However, I’ve had to be flexible in order to get my work done.  I’ve written in my “jammies” and robe, but I feel more professional when I’m dressed as though going to an office job or substitute teaching…when I’ve also washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put my make-up on, too.

I’ve learned to let the housework go, let others fend for their meals, and ignore the dust bunnies when I have deadlines.  I’ve had to let the answering machine on my home phone and cell phone take the calls so I continue with my train of thought during projects. 

So…aim for the ideal working conditions, but don’t let your productivity slip if you have to keep plodding away when “life happens.”

POSTED IN: Personal Experience

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