Should Your Newsletter Be Online As Well As An Ezine?
Do you find it frustrating when you receive a very informative ezine then discover it’s not online as well. I try to keep my e-mail box cleared out (I’m not always successful). However, I just realized I no longer had the directions for a project because I’d deleted the ezine. (Even putting newletters in folders becomes cumbersome because I can only store so much.)
So I searched the web site for this online site and found under “newsletter” a place to subscribe but no archive. Now probably the site owner has a very good reason for not archiving her newsletters, but I was disappointed.
Since I don’t write an ezine, only my blogs, perhaps I shouldn’t complain. (I only produced a print newsletter in the days before ezines!) However, I do find the newsletters so handy when they are archived online, either as a blog entry or a special page of a web site.
What do you think is most handy? Do you produce a newsletter, so can give me some insight into this?
(Amazon image; click for details)
(c)2008 Mary Emma Allen
Tags: business newsletter, Ezine, home-+-biz-+-notes, home-business, Mary-+-Emma-+-Allen, newsletter, online newsletterShare This
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POSTED IN: Business Ideas, Promotion, Writing & Publishing
1 opinion for Should Your Newsletter Be Online As Well As An Ezine?
Aug 10, 2008 at 8:50 pm
I have never hosted my newsletters on my sites r blogs. One, they take up to much room, and two, it makes extra work to publish it online on a website and then create the html mailing.
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