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Home Biz Notes

Statistics Against Starting a Home Business

by Mary Emma Allen on May 14th, 2007

With more and more people interested in starting a home business and more people advocating this trend, it was interesting to find Des Walsh’s post, Why Working From Home Might Not Work for Startups, at Thinking Home Business.  Here Des quotes some statistics that indicate fewer startups are home businesses and then ponders the situation.

One of Des’ readers, apparently a home business owner, wonders where they got their stats…no one polled or asked her.  Des is looking into this idea further.

But, when we see so much pro home business information, it’s interesting to gather data from the other opinion.  Like any business, starting and maintaining a home business isn’t “a piece of cake.”  There are pros and cons to all of them.  It just depends on what you want out of life and career, how hard you’re willing to work and persevere, and whether you’re aware of the facts before you start, especially when you consider operating a business for your full time income.

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POSTED IN: Advantages, Business Blogging, Disadvantages & Concerns

1 opinion for Statistics Against Starting a Home Business

  • Des Walsh
    May 18, 2007 at 1:11 pm

    Now that I have the issue of the mag I’m finding a few more interesting items on this subject, like the international surfing products business - Global Surf Industries - where everyone works from home and they connect via a virtual private network and use Skype a lot (phone bills down from $1400 a month to $100 a month).

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